Monday, July 21, 2008

Reincarnated Children

Today's topic is Children who claim to have been reincarnated. If there's one thing that bothers me, on a personal level, it's the thought of children being trapped "in spirit" within this physical plane. If there's one thing that truly intrigues me, it's those stories of children who claim to have been reincarnated, and that they remember their past lives. The mere thought of it sends chills down my back while simultaneously sparking an entirely new level of interest and curiosity. I remember spending a short period of time in the bookstore not too long ago, and becoming so entranced by this random book I happened to pull off the shelf that I actually read through, almost the entire thing, before we left the store. It was fascinating and I highly recommend it. It's called Children's Past Lives and it's written by past life therapist Carol Bowman, a specialist in her field. The book is filled with anecdotes of children who remember, in detail, their lives before they were born into their present one.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone has this natural curiosity, as I do, about kids who claim to have memories of a past life. It wasn't too long ago that the thought of reincarnation was considered blasphemy, and still today, by Roman Catholic standards it's considered some degree of sacrilege. The whole concept of "life after death" challenges the modern standard of "science" as the ruling faction of thought and thinking. It's hard to believe that we are taught, and we continue to teach, that the Dark Ages were so far away. That the intellectual problems of the past are not the intellectual problems of our present. Society, as a whole, embraced the Renaissance with open arms and condemned the age of darkness as oppressive and a hindrance to intellectual progression yet, metaphorically speaking, by "tomorrow's" standards we very well may be existing in the same manner of "darkness" in today's day and age. Maybe these children are remembering past lives in ways we can't explain, not just because they have the ability to do so, but because they are proving to us that we are, as human physical beings, are evolving into spiritual creatures with a grasp of life as it exists in a different dimension... a different time... a different space. The whole concept of science, as we know it right now, is being challenged by 4 year olds all over the world.

World society watched thousands, possibly tens of thousands, and maybe hundreds of thousands of people through time, die because they fought for science to outweigh the importance of religious faith. And today, we watch as a strikingly similar template is being followed by thousands of people worldwide, maybe more. Children, the most innocent of all people simply because they are ignorant and innocent at the same time. They have no agenda, they have no knowledge or ability to gain such knowledge of spirits they may have contacted, or have had encounters with; or of the historical accuracies of the events, timelines, occurrences, or physical objects they claim to have had experiences with in their "past life", and yet they spill parts of "their" past-life stories with color and flare as though they just had these experiences yesterday. They long for parents and siblings they've never met in this life, and in certain cases, it's been proven that those relatives are still alive. I remember reading one particular care where a boy actually brought a present-day relative to the home of his past-life, and when he explained himself to the residents at this home - who he was in a past life, and what happened to himself, and how he remembered many of the people who were there to hear what he had to say - he was freakishly "right on". This child wasn't even 7 years old yet.

The pattern of today's "shift" away from hard-core science, and rigid ritualistic religions is as much a sign of the times as The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition were to the centuries before us. We like to consider ourselves a tad less barbaric than we were back then, and this may be true, but by "tomorrow's" standards, who knows what the truth may really turn out to be? Perhaps 1,000 years from now we'll consider that torturing the soul and a person's faith is far more painful than inflicting physical discomfort, or causing physical death. We may be in the midst of watching a slow, but steady, transition into a more spiritual existence taking place. Maybe it's because we're reaching into ourselves, or maybe it's because we're understanding and grasping the reality that the spiritual realm has been reaching out to us for longer than we were willing to allow ourselves, and each other, to accept, or believe. And these kids... these reincarnated kids, who throw us into a Buddhist sort of existence, for just a moment if we let them, make us realize that it's not a cliche to say "anything is possible". Anything is possible, and some things step beyond "possible" and make us feel we need to have the confidence that they're actually "probable".


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